The program Security in the Black Sea Region: Shared Challenges, Sustainable Future (SBSR) took place in the period May 22-26, 2023, in Bucharest.
The 2023 edition was organized, in partnership, by the Romanian Intelligence Service through “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (ANIMV) and European Security and Defence College (ESDC) – this year’s program being a pilot course, affiliated with ESDC.
The program brought together approximately 70 participants and 21 lecturers, of which 10 occupying positions of national or EU officials and 11 researchers and professors from academia, at national and international level.
The opening speech belonged to:
- Iulian FOTA – state secretary for strategic affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Cristian CIOBANU – deputy director of the Integrated Intelligence Office within the Presidential Administration;
- Lieutenant-general Cristian BIZADEA, deputy director of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
The program addressed the following discussion topics:
- The EU integrated approach to security – EU Strategic Compass
- The EU strategic environment – main security factors and drivers of change in the Black Sea Region
- Risk containment strategies and development of peace and security in the Black Sea Region
- Prevention of hybrid security threats in the Black Sea Region
The daily agenda included thematic practical sessions, developed on the discussion panels mentioned above. The last day represented the peak of the program, through the discussions about the impressions and conclusions of the event.
The diploma award ceremony ended the SBSR 2023 edition.